YIN Changzi:Walking with the Ball
YIN Changzhi
Opening:2022.7.9 · 15:00 - 18:00
Dates:2022.7.9 - 31
Gallery 55 is pleased to announce that Yin Changzhi’s individual exhibition "Walking with the Ball" opened on the 9th of July, 2022. Comprising canvas works created over the past two years, the show will continue through the 31st of July. This is Yin Changzhi’s fourth solo presentation at the Gallery since 2018.
Fontana took a knife and cut the canvas , which woke people up. An illusory plane is dragged into real space-time, opening up a new path of painting. One can also think of more painters who bring paintings to new areas with any referee’s constant "foul" action. Yin Changzhi’s continuous work also largely benefited from the heartbeat and encouragement brought by this continuous penetration into the "restricted area". From a moment of consciousness, Yin Changzhi has been trying to break the stylised rules, finding an exit at the boundaries of painting, facing the painting itself step by step, re-examine, dissect and suture its materialised limbs, and "tailor-made".
The process of painting work is static or dynamic, accompanied by risks, because it is necessary to make immediate observations and decisions at any time during continuous operations. By constantly disassembling and constructing specific painting frames to get rid of the shackles of planes, taking advantage of the overlap and dislocation of cloth, using strong contrast colours to strengthen conflicts and confrontation between materials, the picture/body is in a fresh state of perception. At the same time, the colour layers interfere with each other and avoid each other, and the edges of the cloth are hidden and displayed, forming a temporary combination of uncertain distances. The coloured cloth no longer stays in the structure of a single space, but is in the tension of the front and rear spaces. Driven by assumptions and intuitions, materials are repeatedly moved and moved to indicate their own uncertainty and possibility. Temporary actions and ideas continue to lead to new situations and accelerate the reconstruction of the status quo and rules. Painting is no longer addicted to a stable and reliable whole, but a collection of various relationships around entities, a gathering on the clipboard, a looming sensibility, and random accidental selection. At the moment Yin Changzhi was determined to stop, it was indeed a hit fact in front of him, a result of existence in the name of the work.
Exhibition presents works, which is also related to the process. The exhibition is named "Walk with the Ball", which refers to two aspects: first, a straightforward expression of the work process - "step by step, look at one step"; second, about the working method and its results, which is intended to indicate a "violation" operation that is different from the norm to achieve the arrival of the painting goal. An exhibition is like an agreement with oneself and the viewer. Yin Changzhi hopes to fulfill his dual promise of feeling and intelligence in an unconventional way, inviting viewers to experience its material nature and fickleness in an immersive moment, and how it flirts with hidden painting memories and plays with it.
Yin Changzhi was born in China in 1984. He studied painting at Anhui Normal University in Hehei, China and further at China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, China. Currently, he lives and works in Wuhu, China.